Thursday, January 31, 2013

Humbling Myself and Showing God's Love

I have recently returned from another medical brigade. I was invited to accompany a team from South Carolina that makes a trip down every January to visit communities in need of Medical attention, activity for kids to participate in, and prayer. This team was very fun to work with. I met many new people and have changed a lot of my views on my life as of now and maybe for the future. The team arrived and the first day, we worked at a camp started by two Christian men from the states. During this time, I worked with a plastic surgeon who called himself "Buck" because he thought it was cool. He met a boy who needed his help and his skills for surgery because he had facial bones that didn't fuse together when he was born and if something wasn't fixed; he would eventually go blind. So Buck offered to return in June and do the surgery and hopefully I can help out. He wants me involved with this little boy. His name is Fernando. Please pray that Buck can return and Fernando doesn't lose his eye sight before then or anytime after! His mother and grandmother were in tears when Buck told them he was going to come back and perform this surgery. I was blessed on the second day and was reminded of Honduras. We went to a part of the country that is called "the dump". I went to one in Honduras as well. These times open my eyes and make me see how good I have it. I have complained many times about things that are inevitable compared to how these people live from day to day. I met the pastor of this area's church. It was such a neat experience to see the day care they have set up. There is a day care in this area; and associated with the day care is a feeding center. Kids come for food everyday and while the parents are out working, this day care provides care and activities for the kids to do. It was so cool to see such a neat organization working hand in hand with the poorest people. I was helping to translate for some doctors at this place and then moved into the pharmacy to help distribute medications prescribed. On day three and four we worked in a school located at Masachapa. This is right on the coast in the southwest area of the country. It was beautiful. During these last two days I worked in the pharmacy and I got to experience feet washing. It was a great time. Before feet washing, I literally had to prepare my mind. I had to focus on what the importance of this whole thing was. It wasn't to make myself feel good or accomplished. It was humbling myself like I do before I enter into prayer; and loving these kids and creating small talk to get to know a little bit about them. It was ultimately showing them the love of Christ. I used to hate feet; but after this experience it hit me that feet are what keep me going. I walk and bring the word, God's love, and Christs' example to the places God guides me to. I am being HIS hands and feet! I seriously was so blessed to participate in this. I wish I could accompany this team every year just for that experience. This team was very welcoming and blessed me with prayers, some finances, and stories that lead them to where they are now in their lives and why. I learned a lot about myself during this time. I am asking you to help accompany me in prayer. I was debating on whether to make this public or not; but God has put it on my heart and I need prayer. I need prayer to purchase my residency here. It will be a residency for one year. I prayed to God during this trip that if He wants me to stay here, He will provide a way because I am just a poor missionary and don't have the luxury to spend money as I wish, like most of the members of the teams that come down here. I was given the money to cover purchasing my residency because GOD IS FAITHFUL! That has been my motto from the beginning of this year. I just need prayer that the papers travel smoothy in the US and from the US to Nicaragua and the contacts that my family has here will be sufficient for me to make this a possibility. I really know God is guiding me. Home is where the heart is; and my heart is secure down here in Central America. I love every moment, every opportunity, and everyone who has welcomed me here. Please keep our base here in Nicaragua in your prayers as well as del are still trying to raise money to purchase our office and that each missionary accomplishes what they need to do to help spread the gospel of Christ throughout Nicaragua. Please also pray for my church I attend here "Amor Viviente" as we are fasting this week to pray for the church and the future God has for us as a church, people, and as a country. I have felt moved by his hand and work here in our church. It is so nice to feel welcomed with open arms and hugs and smiles every Saturday night. I hope this is a nice little update. I am sorry it wasn't too long and full of information, but I am on a tight schedule today. We had our devotion this morning and now I need to go prepare my prayer for church tonight for the offering we have after the service. I appreciate all of my followers and thank you for your continued support.

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