Thursday, May 9, 2013
Child like faith
I have recently been watching and observing children quite closely. I have noticed the faith they have in their parents or care takers, the desire to be around those who have helped them grow, and the desire to prove themselves to their loved ones. I have related these findings with recent readings in the bible about us being like little children. I have seen their simple little acts and wonder if everyone acted that way with God, how amazing would our relationship be with Him?! How much more would we trust and be more in tuned with what God wants us to hear rather then us choosing what we want to hear, what we want to do, and how we want to live. There is so much to learn from children that I haven't known until recently that I desire to implement in my own life! This past week as I walked into the house from work, I was walking to my room and Liam (my little nephew) came running up to me with arms wide open and screamed my name. Without much time to react, he jumped into my arms and held onto me and wouldn't let go. I then decided to change my plans about going to my room and shower right away and play with him. Whenever we give this kind of affection to God, and run to Him with arms wide open, wanting to embrace Him and never let go, I think God desires to teach us because our hearts and minds are open and welcoming to His commands. In these times, when I have recently been praying and listening to God's voice, I have found much joy and pleasure in spending time with Him and in His presence. He has just filled me with an abundance of joy and contentment that I couldn't ask for anything more. Whenever I truly surrender my thoughts and my prayers and my requests to Him, I find myself on my knees before Him and these are the most rewarding and truly precious moments I hope to never lose. I know the stillness and in the quiet of the night is when my meditation and times with God are the most intimate because my mind isn't busy with the days plans and ideas running rampant in my mind. I have taken videos of children and hope to make a compilation of the children I have caught on tape and for it to express examples of the trust they put into those who love them and what I am talking about here. Many of you may have children and were in awe when they were little and depended on you for everything; but as a parent, you were blessed with the honor to be the care taker of that child while they are on this earth; God is the ultimate and only father that child will ever truly have. We were made in His image and it is such a blessing to feel the comfort in His arms when we are hurting, broken, and torn down to our last thread. He is there, watching over us, holding us, listening. Some people may think He is absent when we need Him most, but God has a reason for all things he does. At some of the most tragic times, we may think he is ignoring us or we think "why did this happen to me?", or "why does this happen to our family when we have trusted and loved God more than ever?". I have noticed at the most tragic and terrible times in our lives; we cling to Jesus the most. Children, cling to their parents or care takers at all times when young and can't do things for themselves. They desire to be held, played with, and fed and are usually content. I have watched children walk a few steps away from the reach of their parents at the clinic and do something but look back in approval to see if their parent was happy or upset with their choice. We have such a better ability than a child does with this same scenario and the things we do and attaining approval from God because we can talk! We can ask God during our prayers or in our days if the things we are doing are pleasing to Him and bringing Him joy. When we are stuck in a dilemma and not sure what decision to make, why do we hesitate to bring it to God and ask approval from all different people in our lives when in the end, Gods way will override the human heart. It says in Proverbs 16:9 "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." This is such an encouraging, simple verse, and I challenge you to take it and place it somewhere you can read it daily and just think about it; above all else, God is in control. Breathe, relax, you don't have to walk the scary road alone. God is with you. Just lean back against Him and breathe. The song I absolutely love and need in times when I feel alone is the song called "The more I seek you" by Kari Jobe. It says "I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hands, lay back against you and breathe and feel your heart beat. This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand, I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming." The part where it specifically says drink from the cup in your hand, gives me a picture of a parent giving a drink to their child and their child trusting they will receive the essential things they need to survive from their parents and its who they ask when they are hungry, thirsty, or sleepy. Good parenting will always comfort the needs of their children. I have watched parents neglect and ignore their children as well and it is sad. But people, our God is NOT like that! We have to trust and know that God loves and adores children and we are HIS. I have also seen the imagination that children display when by themselves or in a group of young ones their own age. They come up with AMAZING scenarios and I truly wonder what their images are in their minds because the sound effects and things Liam can do on his own make me astounded. I truly wish I could be in his brain sometimes when he is pretending to be a transformer and blow things up! I wish I had a picture of the images he is imagining and how much more children believe in these supernatural things and just have fun with it! You may think it is creepy that I sit and watch children, but I take it as something God is trying to teach me right now. He is teaching me to trust that I will be fed and clothed each and every day. I will be given food to eat, a place to rest my head at night, and people around me to help grow me. I will be given the necessitates of this life but most of all, He will be leading my steps so I don't totally have to depend on my human flesh and desires because if it was me choosing and guiding my own path, I would be lost and stuck at every "Y" or huge decision in the road. With God, he urges or nudges me toward one way when I am willing to listen. But when I try to make all my own choices and decisions because they feel good at the time, most likely God will pick us back up when we fall, and place us back to where we left off and left Him behind and try to walk with us. If we would just hold His hand when we cross the street, and run and jump into his arms when we are desperate for Him, and just lay back against Him and breathe, how much more satisfying would our relationship be with Him, and how many more people would be in true submission to Him. Think about it; if you literally did some of the scenarios I described above with God, would you feel childish and stupid? At one time in your life, you did ALL these things because we were all children and couldn't feed ourselves, we couldn't clothe ourselves, we couldn't reach the cupboard that holds the cups nor the sink to fill a cup to give us something to drink. I want you imagine with me that God is your parent and you are as helpless as a child but with your choice and thoughts, you go to Him for recognition and ask "God, is what I am about to do going to please you and bring glory to your name?" Think about what Jesus would do if He were in your shoes. It may seem cliche, "What would Jesus do", but its something you need to think about; and it's not just when you need help on a hard decision or when your having trouble in life. It is a daily choice and question you need to present before God. You need to sacrifice your thoughts, your choices, your ways, your burdens to Him and he will comfort you and heal your wounds, your broken heart, or your crushed spirit. Only He has the power to satisfy your every need. I have also recently been listening to the song "You alone can satisfy" by Ross King every single day and it honestly reminds me, as a human I will fall in love with the things He despises when I choose my ways, and only He can satisfy. It says "I have wasted affections on the things you despise, now I long to return to you; you alone can satisfy." It helps remind me that things of this world are only temporary and people, things, objects we obsess will always leave us wanting more, and the only being able to fill that void is God himself. So run, arms outstretched and call His name! Reach up for the glass of water He has in His hands and drink! Look back and ask God if he is in approval of about what your about to do! He answers you if you listen! He hears you when you knock, and if your persistent, He WILL open the door. The main verse I want you to take from this blog post is found in Matthew 18:3-4 where is says "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." We will satisfy God the most when we surrender and humble ourselves and our lives to Him! We will be the GREATEST in the kingdom of heaven! So for once in your life, I am advising you to act like a child, a child needing someone to cling to, a child needing a drink, a child needing to be loved and give all these needs to God himself and He will fill your needs. Please keep in your prayers: the Grace Community Church pastor group is coming into Nicaragua this week and will be training pastors in Matagalpa, my family here, and the Seacaost college team coming on the 20th of this month as we will be staying with an indigenous community in Leon. Thank you all for your continued prayer and support! I miss you all at home!

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